Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mm, should have posted these photos from last years exhibition a little earlier but never the less, here they are.

The top is from the UTS exhibition and the bottom is from ours. The UTS space is actually quite nice and they've managed to utilise it well. It just doesn't feel right if our own were to be put in the foyer of the FBE building. UTS actually puts out most of their students design work and the way they structure their graphics is quite impressive, I dare say, even ahead of ours. The Flex one in particular is very well done. Having said that, professionally printed posters is very nice, but it feels a smidge too wordy. By all means, we've got most of our model making skills to shine (kudos of course goes to Pete and Tony) but I wish we had more space in the bond to show the posters that the students actually designed (which is actually on show in the Design Lab at Uni).

This might be a bit forward, but I've been contemplating what it would be like if UTS, UNSW, UWS or even the Tafe colleges had a combined show. I had recently passed through a design/jewellery exhibition and sales at Carriage works and the place is absolutely fitting. It's just been renovated, it has plenty of space, and it just feels right. If you haven't been there, go and check it out when they hold events there. The Bond is very nice, and it is definitely very swanky but I'm not terribly sure if it has the right atmosphere.

Anyways, back to drawing, and Photoshop ... Oh and if anyone is looking for work in the laser cutting and 3d printing department, who is from an FBE program (archi, ides, interior etc) gives us a yell.


Minka said...

your pics are really dark? is it cos you went at night? but even the uts ones are dark and that was during the day? kk what other posters were there for UNSW projects? I didn't see any others?

Kin Jing Ly said...

Yah, I went to friends and family night. The UTS ones have wrong white balance so they're not as bright as they should be. It's either that or the pictures are grainy ... my fault ha. There are naturally the presentation posters which for the UTS students, they made smaller ones, and selectively chose which ones to put up. The ones we had at ours, we only had the professional ones that elaborated on the design. There were a few with technical drawings, but I didn't find the presentation posters I saw when the 4th years were doing their presentations. However they're now in the 24 hour zone, pinned up so go have a look at them when you can.