Friday, September 5, 2008

VIVID Furnitex Fair Exhibition

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Well on the topic of exhibitions, here's one I prepared earlier haha. In the July holidays I went down to Melbourne to exhibit one of my projects in the VIVID section of the Furnitex Design Fair as it was compulsory otherwise you'd be taken off the shortlist (not that I didn't want to go, it was an awesome experience!) Wasn't expecting to win anything, and naturally didn't haha, but I suppose being a Finalist for the VIVID Green Award counts for something *shrugs* In anycase, what I believe was more worthwhile was the experience of actually exhibiting (it was for 4 days from 9 to 5, believe me when I say standing around is really really tiresome ...) and really getting a glimpse of the furniture industry. Definitely learnt a few things (always, always! make your contact details available, have a business card, or have a sheet where they can put down expressions of interest, otherwise exhibiting is pointless) and had a great time. They tell you not to take photos but Uli said we could take a few snaps (sorry for the massive noise in the pictures, was taken with my dying discontinued Canon compact).

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